5 Key Components of High-Quality Content

5 Key Components of High-Quality Content

5 Key Components of High-Quality Content
By Lifestyle July 19, 2022 12:42 pm
Did you know that time spent on content marketing can positively impact your profits? It’s true. Research demonstrates that you can acquire over three times more leads via content marketing than through traditional avenues. 
However, to hit those numbers, you’ll need to do something more than post a few times on your website.
You need a proper strategy that puts high-quality content at the center of your marketing approach. Read on for five key components to help you do that. 
1. Research Your Customers’ Needs
Knowing what your audience wants is the best way to produce content people value. That starts with some research.
Head to a keyword research tool (such as Ubersuggest or SEMRush) and research your niche to find topical and popular keyword phrases. It’s also worth looking at the keywords targeted by your critical competitors for other ideas.
When you have these keywords, jot down article titles that match those keywords. The content must answer pressing questions and provide valuable, helpful information. 
2. Structure Your Content
How-to guides, step-by-step guides, case studies, and listicles are popular formats for quality content creation. Beyond the format, always think about how you structure the content, so it’s easy to read and scannable.
That means using headings and sub-headings and breaking essential information into bullet points or bolded text. Use images, graphics, infographics, and videos to strengthen your content and provide more value to your target audience. 
3. Quality Over Quantity
You’ve probably read articles recommending lengthy posts of 2000+ words to rank on Google and get more traffic. While long posts can perform well in the top Google results positions, it’s not your number one concern.
Always put quality into your article and never write lengthy content to hit a word count target.
4. Be Original
New and surprising information is a great way to build your brand as the go-to website for excellent quality content. You could take a different angle on a topic, share new research, or provide little-known hacks to a common problem.
Start by creating a content plan  and brainstorming unique ideas and angles for your upcoming articles. 
5. Have Clear Call-to-Actions
Quality content will help drive traffic to your website. But that’s not its only purpose. Quality content should also help your business thrive and attract new customer leads.
Always add a call-to-action in your articles to get people to take that next step with you, so they don’t just click away from the article and forget you exist.
Ask them to read a further article, click on a customer testimonial, or sign up to your email list. Or ask them to head to your products or services page to find out what your business offers. 
More Leads With High-Quality Content
Before writing a line of text on your website, focus on how you can aspire to deliver your audience consistent, high-quality content. That is what will bring you new customers, as well as help you hit your traffic targets. 
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June Potter wrote this article on behalf of FreeUp. FreeUp is the fastest-growing freelance marketplace in the US. FreeUp only accepts the top 1% of freelance applicants.  Click here  to get access to the top freelancers in the world.
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